What And Where Exactly is Wall Street?

Quite often, you hear the term, “Wall Street” used and thrown around. So, what exactly is it? Short answer is, Wall Street is a Street located in New York City USA. This Street is at the Southern end of Manhattan in New York City

What And Where Exactly is Wall Street?

Back in 1600s, Dutch Colonists who first arrived in what was then known as “New World”, built a wall in what is now known as “lower Manhattan”, to protect themselves from attacks. This area being close to New York Ports, they conducted most of their businesses there, close to the Ocean from which the colonists landed at in 1700s.
Although the protective wall was eventually torn down, the name stuck. Being that most businesses were conducted in this area, it morphed into what is later known as the “Financial district”. But there is more to “Wall Street” these days.
When used these days. “Wall Street” is an umbrella term used to describe US financial sector. It includes Brokerage companies, Financial companies, Banking and so on. Some people refer to that area as the “Financial District”.

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