Assume the Position First.

Next time, when you hear people pass comments on things they possibly don't comprehend, keep calm and pray for them to assume that position. Tell them in a simple language..."You Will Grow Up"

Assume the Position First.

Certain things I believed while growing up are things I flaunt today. Eg, not attending church for some reasons, not sending money to my loved ones due to some reasons too, etc...

I started understanding some factors which can mitigate things. The few things I saw as outrageous, started making sense. The few things I condemned, I now understood.

I saw when decisions were made, and carried out. Chacha tutored me. I saw her act in a certain way. Saw her cry, laugh, jump, or act in a kind of way that signifies decision. Mosttimes, I would ask "why?"

I wasn't in her position. I didn't know how hot the seat was, until I got to the same position. I saw her cry when I made some official mistakes. I started viewing things from a firm view, and with firm decisions.

Some business decisions hurt so bad. In the eyes of the employee, it might seem terrible, but the management sees it from a different view.

Until you get to the boss's position, or decide to see things from his side, you might wallow and keep groping in your pool of mediocity, and ignorance. This is life.

So next time, when you want to utter comments on some decisions taken, try to see it from the other side too. This involves the president, marriage, social media, pastor, boss, etc. Assume the position before you judge. Judge "acts", better.

Next time, when you hear people pass comments on things they possibly don't comprehend, keep calm and pray for them to assume that position. Tell them in a simple language..."You Will Grow Up"